SEK 36.7 million to research on the quality, organisation and processes of welfare

8 projects are awarded SEK 36.7 million from Forte for research on the quality, organisation and processes of welfare. This is the second call within the initiative on the quality, organisation and processes of welfare.
8 projects out of 40 are granted funding within the call Research on the quality, organisation and processes of welfare 2018. The projects are together awarded a total of SEK 36.7 million. This is the second call within a special initiative that was presented in the 2016 research proposal. The aim of the call was to provide a scientifically substantiated knowledge base on organising and managing health and social services.
Wide range of projects
The projects that are granted funding are touching on subjects such as how digital health care influence the primary health care sector, cease using ineffective methods within health care and the impact of increased patient involvement.

– The projects that are granted funding are well distributed, both geographically and regarding type of research. I am looking forward to follow these projects, that I hope will contribute with increased knowledge and improvement. For the users of welfare, this is important, says Andreas Björke, Programme Coordinator for the initiative on the quality, organisation and processes of welfare.
Granted research projects
Umeå University: Capability Adjusted Life years (CALYs) – a novel measure for evaluating welfare interventions
University of Gothenburg: Ready to serve? Structural reform, institutional quality, and welfare services in Swedish municipalities
Karolinska Institutet: To do or not to do – balancing governance and professional autonomy to abandon ineffective healthcare practices
Institute for Futures Studies: The Power over expert reports: contents, origins and consequences
Karolinska Institutet: The impact of Digital Health Care on utilisation, costs and access of health service
Institute of Industrial Economics: Welfare technologies and governance: trust, control and service quality
Lund University: Performance measurement to support learning and quality improvement in Swedish primary care
Uppsala University: Health system governance through patient and public involvement: What is the impact?
For a more detailed list of the granted projects, including project leader and granted funding, go to Grant decisions.